Water Restrictions

The City of Corpus Christi has implemented the Stage 3 Drought Contingency Plan due to low lake levels. Therefore, Rincon Water Supply must implement our Stage 3 Drought Contingency Plan.
This is considered to be an Urgent Water Shortage condition, as such the goal is to reduce water usage by 30%. Therefore, the following shall be instituted immediately.
- Sprinkler irrigation of lawns and flower beds shall be prohibited at all times.
- Lawn and landscape watering is prohibited at all times.
- Filling swimming pools, hot tubs or other pools is prohibited.
- Washing automobiles, motorbikes, boats, and/or trailers is prohibited at all times unless at a commercial car wash.
- RWSC member/customers found in violation may be subjected to penalties as defined in the Corporate Tariff. Repeated violations could result in service interruption.
Stages 1-4 of Water Conservation
The regional water conservation plan sets out four stages of enforcement depending on drought conditions:
Stage 1 – Mild Water Shortage Watch: Initiated when combined lake levels of the Choke Canyon Reservoir and Lake Corpus Christi system (CCR/LCC system) fall below 40% of capacity. Stage 1 restrictions are not lifted until combined lake levels return to at least 50%. The region has been in Stage 1 since July 2022.
Stage 2 - Moderate Shortage Condition: Additional restrictions are initiated when lake levels fall below 30% and remain in effect until combined lake return to at least 40%.
Stage 3 – Critical Water Shortage Condition: Stage 3 is initiated if combined water storage levels decline below 20%. Additional restrictions on certain non-essential water uses will remain in effect until levels increase to above 30%. Stage 2 then becomes operative.
Stage 4 – Emergency Water Shortage Condition: Stage 4 could be declared by the SPMWD District Manager in the event of an extreme water system production or transmission system failure.
Each city government or water provider may impose additional restrictions and is responsible for notifying customers and for enforcement. Various enforcement mechanisms can be used including the potential for disconnecting water service for repeat offenders.
Water District customers include the cities of Odem, Taft, Gregory, Portland, Ingleside, Ingleside-on-the-Bay, Aransas Pass, Rockport and Port Aransas, Rincon Water Supply Corp., Seaboard Water Supply Corp., Nueces County WCID #4 (Port Aransas) and several industrial customers.