Cross-Connection Control Policy
SECTION 1. PROGRAM PURPOSE .................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR......................................................................................... 4
SECTION 3 PLUMBING CODE ............................................................................................................ 4
SECTION 4 MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS.............................................................................................. 4
SECTION 5. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 6. SERVICE AGREEMENT................................................................................................... 8
SECTION 7. CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED....................................................... 8
SECTION 12. DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE................................................................... 22
SECTION 13. QUALIFICATIONS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTOR AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TESTER.................................................................................................. 23
SECTION 15. INSTALLATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 24
SECTION 17. RECORD KEEPING...................................................................................................... 25
Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Chapter 290, prohibits PWSs from connecting to an actual or potential contamination hazard without first protecting the potable-water supply. The TCEQ rules require PWSs to:
Due to the fact that the effects of a backflow event can be so severe, there is no grandfather clauses that apply to cross-connection control and/or backflow prevention.
A backflow incident meets the definition and intent of an accident that has a negative impact on the quality and delivery of potable water. Additionally, according to 30TAC290.46(w)(5) a backflow event must be reported to the TCEQ. The TCEQ operates a 24 hour toll-free telephone number for reporting such events (888-777-3186).
The purpose of the Cross-Connection Control Program is to protect the health and safety of the member/customers of RINCON WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, to fulfill the legal requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and comply with the Rules and Regulations for State of Texas Public Water Systems. No Cross-Connection shall be created, installed, used or maintained within the service of the Rincon Water Supply Corporation except in accordance with this program.
A. The General Manager of Rincon Water Supply Corporation is the designated Program Administrator for the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program. As Program Administrator, the General Manager will be experienced and qualified in Cross-Connection Control and have the license as a Customer Service Inspector and Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BPAT).
B. The General Manager has the authority to conduct or to have conducted the various required inspections, to specify the Cross-Connection Control Assembly/Device that is required based on the completed inspection(s) or survey(s), to specify the type of Assembly/Device, to develop certain tests and/or procedures for the qualifying of Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device Testers, to establish recordkeeping processes related to the administration of the program, and to supervise and implement the program for the maximum benefit to the Corporation’s water supply system and the member/customers that are served by this system.
As a condition of water service, all members/customers shall install, maintain, and operate their piping and plumbing systems in accordance with the International Plumbing Code as approved by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
Any premises requiring multiple service connections for adequacy of supply, fire protection, or other purposes will be required to install a Reduced Pressure Zone backflow prevention assembly on each service connection.
For the purpose of this Cross-Connection Control Program, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. If a word or term used in this Program is not contained in the following list, its definition or other technical terms used shall have the meanings or definitions listed in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California (USC).
A. APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: An assembly to counteract backpressures or prevent back siphonage. This assembly must appear on the list of approved assemblies issued by the Corporation.
B. AUXILIARY SUPPLY: any water source or system other than the public water supply that may be available in the building or on the premises.
C. BACKFLOW: the flow in the direction opposite to the normal flow or the introduction of any foreign liquids, gases, or substances into the Corporation’s water supply system.
D. CONTAMINATION: the entry into or presence in a public water supply system of any substance which may be deleterious to health and/or the quality of the water.
E. CORPORATION: Rincon Water Supply Corporation (“Corporation,” Rincon WSC,” or “RWSC”), the RWSC Board of Directors or the RWSC Program Administrator/General Manager or other Corporation Employees, as the context dictates.
F. CROSS-CONNECTION: any physical arrangement where the public water system is connected, either directly or indirectly (actual or potential), with any other non-potable water system, used water system or auxiliary supply, sewer, conduit, swimming pool, storage reservoir, landscape irrigation system, swamp coolers, air conditioner units, fire protection system, or any other appurtenance or system which contains, or may potentially contain contaminated water, sewage, or other liquid or solid or gas, or water of unsafe or questionable quality which may be capable of contaminating or polluting the Corporation’s water system. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over assemblies, or other temporary or permanent appurtenances and/or assemblies through which, or because of which, backflow may occur, are considered to be cross-connections.
G. DEGREE OF HAZARD: all actual or potential cross-connections will be classified as a “Low Hazard” (non-health hazard) or “High Hazard “(health hazard).
I. DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY: an assembly similar to the DC assembly, to be utilized on Fire-Sprinkler Systems, with a meter to detect any flow through the Fire Line and into the System. Only Double Detector Check Valve assemblies approved by the Corporation are allowed for installation.
J. HEALTH HAZARD: an actual or potential threat of contamination of a physical or toxic nature to the Corporation’s public water supply system, or the consumer’s potable water, system that would be a danger to health.
K. INSPECTOR: a Cross-Connection Control Inspector (Customer Service Inspector) licensed by the State of Texas (TCEQ or TSBPE) and qualified to inspect for cross-connection hazards or contamination-type hazards and is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
L. PLUMBING HAZARD: an internal or plumbing-type cross-connection in a consumer’s potable water system that may be either a pollution hazard or a contamination-type hazard.
M. PLUMBING CODE: Universal plumbing code as adopted by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
N. POLLUTION HAZARD: an actual or potential threat to the physical properties of the water system or the potability of the public or consumer’s water system, but which would not constitute a health or safety hazard, as defined. The maximum degree of intensity of pollution to which the potable water system could be degraded under this definition would cause a nuisance or be aesthetically objectionable or could cause minor damage to the system or its appurtenances.
O. POTABLE WATER: Water that is safe for human consumption as defined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
P. PREMISES: any piece of land to which water is provided including all improvements, mobile structures, dwellings, and structures located on this land.
Q. REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY: an approved assembly containing two independently acting check valves together with a hydraulically-operated and mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and below the first check valve. The assembly shall include factory-installed test cocks and two shut-off valves for isolation and testing of the check valve. Only those RP assemblies approved by the Corporation are allowed for installation within Corporation boundaries.
R. SYSTEM: the Public Water Supply System of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
S. SYSTEM HAZARD: an actual or potential threat to the safety and welfare of the Public Water Supply System of the Corporation, via the actual or potential entry of a contaminant or a pollutant through a cross-connection.
T. TESTER: a person that is a licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (licensed by the TCEQ), has met the qualifications of the State of Texas (TCEQ) for testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies, and is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
U. TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ): the State of Texas Agency that handles environmental matters within the State, including the promulgation of “Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems,” enforcement of the EPA’s “Safe Drinking Water Act” (SDWA) at the state level, and the licensing of Customer Service Inspectors, Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers, and Water System Operators.
V. VACUUM BREAKER, ATMOSPHERIC (AVB): AVBs protect against back siphonage and should not be used if there is a threat of backpressure backflow.
W. VACUUM BREAKER, PRESSURE (PVB): PVBs are for back siphonage only and should not be installed where there is a possibility of backpressure.
1. “Residential use” shall include single family residences, duplexes, multiplex housing and apartments where the individual units are each on a separate meter or where two or more units served by one meter are all used for residential purposes.
2. “Non-residential use” shall include all uses not specifically included in “Residential use” listed above in sub-section 3.X.1.
3. Permanent water service shall be supplied to any connection within the boundaries of Rincon Water Supply Corporation following the completion or compliance with all of the requirements of this policy and the policies of the corporate Tariff of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
4. Temporary water service shall be water service provided before the completion of or compliance with the requirements of this policy or the corporate Tariff of Rincon Water Supply Corporation and is granted for a maximum of 180 days from the start of service.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Rules and Regulations require every Public Water Supply to adopt a Plumbing Ordinance, Plumbing Regulations, or a Service Agreement. Rincon Water Supply Corporation, being a non-governmental entity, chose to adopt the Service Agreement.
The Service Agreement is a document that gives the PWS authority to implement a Cross-connection Control Program and enforce said program. It is important to note that the adopted Service Agreement and the Cross-connection Control Program may be more stringent than the TCEQ Rules and Regulations, however, they may not be less stringent. Further, the Service Agreement and the Cross-connection Control Program can allow for a more rigorous testing of backflow preventers and a more rigorous program for the prevention of backflow. While the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations address the hazards posed to the Public Water Supply, the PWS may adopt specific requirements in the Service Agreement and/or the Cross-connection Control Program. The Service Agreement strengthens the enforcement of these regulations.
The Customer Service Agreement is an agreement between the PWS and the Member/Customer. The Service Agreement additionally gives the PWS the authority to enforce the requirements of the Cross-connection Control Program, the rules and regulations of the Corporation, and the rules and regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
A copy of the Service Agreement can be found in Appendix B.
Customer Service Inspections are the most important part of a successful cross-connection control program.
The Customer Service Inspector (CSI) must be specially trained to inspect private water distribution facilities to determine the presence of cross-connections, potential contamination hazards, and illegal materials containing lead and copper. However, the CSI is not permitted to perform plumbing inspections. To conduct a Customer Service Inspection the Inspector must be licensed as a CSI by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, a Plumbing Inspector, or a licensed plumber with a "Water Supply Protection Specialist" endorsement.
Inspections regarding the location of actual or potential cross-connections and the status of the plumbing fixtures and related lead content of the solder on copper water lines shall be conducted by those qualified as Customer Service Inspectors (having the CSI License or WSPS endorsement on the holder's plumbing license).
In some cases the Inspector may need to use more than one CSI certificate to adequately document the inspection of a facility or property. The results of the CSI is intended to identify any existing cross-connections or hazards that may pose a threat to the water distribution system.
A copy of the Customer Service Inspection Certificate is found in Appendix D.
At a minimum a CSI is required under the following conditions:
A. NEW CONSTRUCTION: shall inspect for cross-connections after the finalization of the construction activities and prior to the granting of permanent water service. All pressure relief valves and thermal expansion devices must be in compliance with the plumbing code. Inspectors shall also ensure that the requirements of the State Lead Ban, as outlined in the State’s Rules and Regulations for Public Water Supply Systems, are followed:
“The use of pipe and pipe fittings that contain more than 0.25 percent lead or solder and flux that contains more than 0.2 percent lead is prohibited in the following circumstances: (a) For installation and repair of any public water supply, and (b) For installation or repair of any plumbing in a residential or non-residential facility providing water for human consumption and connected to a public drinking water system. This requirement will be waived for lead joints that are necessary for repairs to cast iron pipes”.
B. SALE OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP: See section 4.03(b) of the Rincon Water Supply Corporation Tariff. A new CSI is to be preformed upon the sale or transfer of ownership of property.
A. BUILDER/PLUMBER RESPONSIBILITIES: (a) Builders/Plumbers cannot install pipe or pipe fittings that contain more than 0.25 percent lead; (b) cannot utilize solder and flux that contains more than 0.2 percent lead; (c) must review the Material Safely Data Sheets (MSDS) for all pipes and products to ensure that this standard is met, and these Material Safety Data Sheets shall be available for the Inspector’s examination; and, (d) Builders/Plumbers must ensure that the pipe is properly labeled for installation into a Potable Water Supply System. The correct pipe label is PW-NSF (Potable Water-National Sanitation Foundation).
B. INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Within the legal requirements of the Customer Service Inspection, (a) Customer Service Inspectors are responsible for inspecting pipes, fittings, fixtures, and solder boxes; and (b) they should take a sample(s) to verify compliance with the Lead Ban Standard. This Inspection (CSI) is not a Plumbing Inspection.
C. PROCEDURES REGARDING CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTION: The Customer Service Inspection shall be completed no later than thirty (30) days following any of the conditions listed in Section 5 and before permanent service may be granted. Inspections shall be completed by qualified inspectors. After the inspection has been completed, the person or entity shall have up to fifteen (15) days, to correct deficiencies depending upon the severity of the deficiency, install new cross-connection control devices or assemblies as allowed by the Program Administrator, make repairs to existing assemblies or devices, or repairs to the plumbing system. The person or entity will receive a CSI Form from the inspector that outlines the deficiency or deficiencies that require correction, the cross-connection control assemblies/devices that must be installed, inspected or repaired, and the date of the second inspection to ensure that these items have been completed as required by the Corporation.
Water service will be considered as “temporary service” until such time that the Customer Service Inspection is satisfactory, or for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days, at which time the water service will be disconnected until a satisfactory inspection is obtained.
D. RE-INSPECTION: If the first Customer Service Inspection is not satisfactory, then a second or additional Inspection [Re-Inspection(s)] will be necessary, until such time that the Inspection indicates full compliance with the Corporation’s “Cross-Connection Control Program” and all applicable State Laws.
E. DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICES: If the Customer fails to allow a Customer Service Inspection within thirty (30) days of requesting permanent service, or if the Customer fails to obtain a Re-Inspection if required, then the specific water service may be disconnected or at the option of Rincon Water Supply Corporation the appropriate backflow prevention device may be installed at the member/customer’s expense, as per the Rincon WSC Tariff, by Rincon WSC after giving notice of intended disconnection or installation of a backflow prevention device.
In addition to the inspections outlined in the previous sections, the Corporation may require other inspections and surveys associated with the prevention and elimination of cross-connections, consistent with the Corporation’s protection of its water supply system. Disconnection of water service, after proper notice, may be initiated if the Customer, Person, or Entity fails to conform to the Regulations of the Corporation or the Laws of the State of Texas, as pertaining to Cross-Connection Control.
The completed original Customer Service Inspection Certificate must be returned to Rincon Water Supply Corporation within 10 business days of completion of the inspection. The member/customer shall retain a copy of the completed certificate and the inspector shall retain a copy of the completed certificate for a minimum of three years from the date of successful inspection.
Rincon Water Supply Corporation requires the member/customer to arrange for the Customer Service Inspection. As such the payment for said inspection is between the inspector and the member/customer. The inspection fee shall be paid directly to the inspector.
In conjunction with the Rincon WSC Cross-Connection Control Program and corporate tariff, authorized Employees of the Corporation shall have access during reasonable hours to all parts of a premise and within the building or buildings to which water is supplied. If any water user refuses access to premises or to the interior of a structure at a reasonable time and after reasonable notice for inspection by a licensed inspector, a reduced pressure principle (RPZ) assembly may be required to be installed at the service connection to that premises. The member/customer will bear the full cost of purchase and installation.
An effective cross-connection control program must include appropriate means to prevent backflow. This is typically accomplished via the use of backflow prevention assemblies. The use of a backflow prevention assembly essentially limits the quantity of water exposed to a hazard or contamination.
The Program Administrator of Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall determine the type of Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device to be installed. This determination will be based on the type and degree of hazard. The Program Administrator will use as a guide the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations 30TAC290D appendix I, the Manual on Cross-Connection Control, or the Cross Connection Control program of Rincon Water Supply Corporation whichever is more stringent, as a guide for the determination of the degree of hazard.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Commission rules and regulations make a distinction between health and non-health hazards. A health hazard most often involves a contaminate of some type. A health hazard is a substance that may cause death, illness, or disease. A non-health hazard is a nuisance, or may be a substance that is aesthetically objectionable when introduced in the water.
The strongest protection from backflow is always the Air Gap method. However, when using the air gap the water on the customer side is often times exposed to the atmosphere and possible contamination. Additionally, water distribution system pressure is lost and as a result a pump and pressure tank must be utilized to provide pressure on the customer side. The next best backflow prevention is the reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly, commonly known as RP, RPZ, or RPBA. This device works under all conditions of backflow. Additionally, it creates an air gap between the customer's water distribution system and the PWS water distribution system under conditions of backflow. Therefore, Rincon Water Supply Corporation requires the use of the Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly at all service connections.
The minimum circumstances that initiate the determination of a required Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device are listed in the following:
A. If the facility contains or may contain the “Typical Hazards” outlined in the Appendix of this Cross-Connection Control Program.
B. The nature and extent of any activity on the premises, or the materials used in connection with any activity on the premises, or materials stored on the premises that could contaminate or pollute the drinking water supply.
C. Premises having cross-connections or potential cross-connections as described in the DEFINITIONS Section of this Program.
D. Internal cross-connections that are not correctable, or intricate plumbing system arrangements which make it impractical to ascertain the existence of cross-connections or potential cross-connections.
E. There is a repeated history of cross-connections being established or re-established on the premises.
F. There is unduly restricted entry so that inspections for cross-connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or with sufficient notice to assure that cross-connections or potential cross-connections do not exist.
G. Materials of a toxic or hazardous nature are being used such that if a backflow incident should occur, a health hazard could result.
H. There is a Fire Sprinkler System existing on the premises or a newly installed Fire Sprinkler System.
I. An appropriate cross-connection control survey has not been filed with the Corporation or an inspection for cross-connection has been denied by the customer or potential customer.
J. All new construction or new service connections shall be equipped with an approved backflow prevention assembly/device at the service connection. Additionally, with the sale or transfer of ownership of property and the associated water service account the property owner shall have an approved backflow prevention device installed in accordance with these standards.
K. When a building is constructed for non-residential purposes, and the end-use of such building is not established or determined or if the end-use could change, a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed by the customer at the service connection to provide protection of the water supply in the event of the most hazardous use of the building.
L. Any used water return system that has been approved by the General Manager.
M. In the event a point-of-use assembly has not had required testing and/or repairs, has continuously failed the required testing, or the situation or hazard is such that a point- of-use assembly may not provide sufficient reliability, a premise isolation assembly shall be installed at the service connection by the owner or renter of the property.
N. Additions and/or rearrangements have been made to the plumbing system without notification to the Corporation or without the appropriate inspections.
O. All multi-story buildings greater than three (3) stories in height or any building with a booster pump or elevated storage tank.
P. Hose bibs that are not protected by an approved back siphonage backflow preventer permanently mounted on the discharge side of the valve.
Q. In addition to the above requirements, and based on the experience and judgment of the Program Administrator (General Manager), installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly may be deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of these Cross-Connection Control Program requirements and regulations.
R. Lawn sprinkler or landscape irrigation system.
S. If the account has a history of cross-connections or continued leaks.
T. Service reconnection due to non-pay disconnect.
Check valves in and of themselves are not considered backflow prevention assemblies. Check valves cannot be tested in accordance with the standards set out by the University of Southern California. Additionally, the valve seats often times become degraded or fouled thus allowing contaminants to backflow through them.
The Assembly/Device shall be installed at the service connection of the customer on the customer’s side of the meter within 18 inches of the water meter with no connections between the Assembly/Device and the water meter, as designated by the Program Administrator.
All hose bibs (interior or exterior) shall be protected by an approved hose bib vacuum breaker permanently mounted on the discharge side of the valve (set screws must be broken to prevent removal of device).
All new and existing facilities which are required to have backflow prevention assemblies, but where water is unable to be shut-off for testing purposes, shall be equipped with dual backflow prevention assemblies of the same type, model, brand, and size so that required testing may be accomplished without disruption of water supply.
To ensure proper operation, inspection, testing, repair, and maintenance of these assemblies and devices, the installation requirements for these assemblies and devices is outlined in the following:
A. The installation shall be accomplished by a plumber that is licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners as a Master Plumber or one who is employed by a plumber employed by a Master Plumber. Under certain circumstances the installation may be accomplished by the home owner. The property owner or renter shall be responsible for the installation and testing of the assembly and all related costs of the appropriate and approved Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device. The installation of the assembly/device shall be accomplished by an individual or company qualified to make such installations within the boundaries of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
B. No part of a backflow prevention assembly/device shall be submerged in water or installed in a location that is subject to flooding. If a double check valve assembly is installed in a vault, with the written approval of the Program Administrator, brass plugs are required in the test ports at all times except during the testing process, and adequate drainage shall be provided.
C. Installation of assemblies and devices shall be made at the following locations:
1. Backflow Prevention Assemblies utilized for premise (service) isolation shall be installed on the water service line on the customer’s side of the meter as near as practical to this meter, however, in no case more than 18" from the water meter, and prior to any branches in the water service line located on the customer’s premises.
2. Point-of-use (internal) Backflow Prevention Assemblies, when approved by the Program Administrator, shall be installed close to the system or appurtenance with the cross-connection potential.
D. The assembly must be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions. However, the drain port and test cocks on the assembly shall not be obstructed in any way.
E. If written permission is granted by the Program Administrator to install the Backflow Prevention Assembly inside of the building, the assembly shall be readily accessible during standard office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
F. If an assembly, with written permission, is installed inside the building and is 4” or larger and is installed 5’ above the floor, it must be equipped with a rigid and permanently installed scaffolding meeting the requirements of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Codes of the State of Texas.
G. All vertical installations must be approved in writing by the Program Administrator prior to installation.
H. The assembly/device shall be readily accessible with adequate room for maintenance and testing. Assemblies 2” and smaller shall have at least 6” clearance on all sides of the assembly. All assemblies larger than 2” shall have a minimum clearance of 12” on the back side, 24” on the test cock side, 12” below the assembly, and 36” above the assembly. “Y” pattern double check valve assemblies shall be installed so that the check valves are horizontal and the test cocks face upward (see MANUAL OF CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL).
I. Reduced Pressure Principle (RP) assemblies are designed for above-ground installation, and may be installed in a vault only if specific approval is granted by the Program Administrator. If approval is granted, it will be under the following circumstances:
1. Relief valve discharge must be drained to daylight through a “bore sight” type drain. The drain shall be of adequate capacity to carry the full rated flow of assembly and shall be screened on both ends.
2. No standing water will be allowed in the vault. If the drain malfunctions, then the RP assembly must be installed above the ground elevation per the INSTALLATION STANDARDS (USC – “Manual of Cross-Connection Control”).
J. An approved air gap shall be located at the relief valve orifice of RP assemblies. This air gap shall be at least twice the inside diameter of the incoming supply line as measured vertically above the top rim of the drain and in no case less than 1”.
K. Upon completion of the installation, the Corporation shall be notified and all assemblies must be inspected and tested. All backflow prevention assemblies/devices must be registered with the Corporation. Registration shall consist of: date of installation, make and model, serial number of the assembly/device, and initial test report.
L. All backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be of a type and model approved by the Corporation.
The member/customer is responsible for the purchase and installation of the backflow prevention device. Regardless of who purchased or where the device was purchased, it must be tested upon installation. The backflow prevention assembly/device may be purchased at any location or outlet the member/customer chooses. However, the device must meet the standards set forth in the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations, the requirements set forth in this document, and the requirements of the EPA where applicable.
The person or entity that owns or rents the property on which the Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device, or Assemblies/Devices, must be installed shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, repair, inspection, testing, and maintenance of the assembly/Device(s). If the Assembly/Device is installed by a third party, such as a licensed plumber, the payment shall be made directly to the third party and Rincon shall have no involvement.
A. No water service connections to any premises or buildings shall be installed or maintained unless the potable water and water supply are protected at all times against actual or potential contamination or pollution in the manner required by this Cross- Connection Control Program.
B. In the event of an incident or situation occurring on the premises of the water customer or under the control of the water customer that poses a threat to or endangers the public water supply system, the water customer shall immediately notify the Corporation’s Program Administrator and take steps to contain or mitigate the threat or danger to the water system of the Corporation.
A containment program is also known as a "premises isolation program". This type of program has a backflow prevention device located at the main water connection (the meter) for the facility. This type of program protects the water utility, but does not protect the population working or residing within the facility. Protection from internal cross-connections to health hazards is extremely important as they can be found in many facilities where there may be a large number of people working or residing.
In situations where containment backflow prevention is used, the customer must be aware of the hazard associated with thermal expansion. The backflow prevention device creates a "closed loop system". Therefore, it is important that the customer verify the operation of the T&P valve on their water heater.
In cases where having the water turned off for inspections is not possible or practical two backflow prevention devices must be installed in parallel. In this instance the two devices must be the same make, model, and size.
An internal cross-connection control program is one that is located within a facility where an actual or potential contamination hazards may exist or may be connected to the internal potable water system. This type of program is strictly internal and should not be confused with the cross-connection control program that is administered by Rincon Water Supply Corporation. The internal hazards and cross-connections should be identified during the Customer Service Inspection. The internal cross-connection control program should consist of backflow prevention at specific locations within a facility where hazards may be located. The internal cross-connection control program is very important since it is not only Rincon Water Supply that is being protected but also the people within the facility. The challenge is the need to install and test more than one backflow prevention device or assembly.
The adequacy of an internal cross-connection control program is dependent on periodic Customer Service Inspections. Periodic Customer Service Inspections will help to identify any cross-connections that have been installed since the last visit and will help ensure existing cross-connections are still in place and tested.
Therefore, it is the policy of Rincon Water Supply Corporation to require a customer service inspection to be completed at least annually in facilities utilizing internal cross-connection control.
All existing backflow prevention assemblies/devices that do not meet the requirements of this Program, but were approved assemblies/devices at the time of installation, shall not be required to be upgraded to a currently approved model unless an inspection should reveal a malfunction that cannot be corrected, or if the assembly/device should malfunction prior to an inspection and the assembly/device cannot be properly repaired. All existing backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be required to undergo the appropriate test and inspection as outlined in this program.
Assemblies used for protection of the potable water supply, whether installed at the meter or part of an internal program, must be tested upon installation and at least once per year thereafter by a licensed backflow prevention assembly tester and the records must be retained by Rincon Water Supply Corporation for at least three years.
Like all mechanical devices, backflow prevention assemblies are subject to failure over time and must be tested to ensure that they are operating properly and are protecting the potable-water supply.
In addition to recording the test results, the Test and Maintenance Report (T&M) form in Appendix C, which a licensed backflow-prevention-assembly tester must fill out and sign, requires that the licensed BPAT certify whether the installation of the assembly complies with manufacturer recommendations and local codes. The BPAT then forwards the signed original to the PWS, which is required to retain it.
Licensed BPATs are qualified to test and repair assemblies on any domestic, commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. There is an additional requirement for BPATs who test and repair assemblies on fire suppression systems or fire lines. BPATs may test an assembly on these systems only if they are permanently employed by an approved fire-line contractor.
The Program Administrator (General Manger) shall cause all Assemblies to be tested and inspected in each of the following circumstances:
A. Backflow prevention assemblies must be tested by a recognized Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester immediately after the Assembly has been installed or if it has been relocated, removed and reinstalled, or repaired. If the Assembly is installed on a fire protection line the inspector must be approved as a fire line tester.
B. All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested at least once per year by a licensed tester that is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. The original test report shall be sent to the Rincon WSC office for filing in the customer/member account file. The test report shall be completed on the form provided by Rincon WSC, no other forms will be allowed or accepted(see appendix).
C. Depending on the service conditions and potential degree of hazard, assemblies may be required to be tested more frequently if the Program Administrator deems necessary.
D. The owner or renter of the property shall have the responsibility for ensuring that assemblies are tested and inspected per the requirements of this program and the costs for these tests and inspections shall be borne by the property owner or renter.
A. All assembly testing shall be performed by a licensed backflow prevention assembly tester who is a Tester licensed by the State of Texas and properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. This Tester shall submit the original signed report to Rincon Water Supply Corporation after testing and inspection has been successfully completed. The Tester shall keep a copy of this report for his/her records and a report copy shall be submitted to the property owner or tenant.
B. In addition to Annual or other Testing Requirements, all Backflow Prevention Assemblies must be TESTED upon: (1) Installation, (2) Repair, (3) Removal and Reinstallation.
C. The Corporation shall not be liable for any damage to any backflow prevention assembly that occurs during the installation or repair process or during the testing process.
The Corporation shall not be responsible or liable for loss of water service during the process of installation, repair, or testing of any backflow prevention assembly.
D. The methodology to be utilized by the Tester in the testing and inspection of all backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be as outlined in the following: the latest edition of Manual of Cross-Connection Control, published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California 90089.
A. A person or entity who owns, operates, or manages premises, or resides on such premises, shall maintain and repair the backflow prevention assemblies located on those premises. Maintenance and/or repair of these assemblies shall be accomplished by competent and qualified individuals.
B. A person or entity commits an offense if:
1. He/she fails to properly test, maintain, and/or repair backflow prevention assemblies/devices as required under this Program.
2. Backflow enters the RWSC public water system from premises he/she owns, resides within, operates, or manages.
C. It is the responsibility of the property owner or renter to eliminate the possibility of THERMAL EXPANSION, and if a closed system has been or will be created by the installation of a backflow prevention assembly, a Thermal Expansion Device must be installed by the property owner or renter, the owner/renter shall pay the full cost for such installation.
D. The costs associated with the testing, maintenance, and repair of these assemblies shall be borne by the property owner or renter.
E. Any water pressure drop caused by the installation of a backflow prevention assembly is not the responsibility of the Corporation. Rincon WSC will provide information, if available, concerning pressure in any area(s) of the Corporation, but the Rincon WSC is neither liable nor responsible for application of this information.
A. To provide the greatest possible protection to the water distribution system, all service connections shall have a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) Backflow Prevention Assembly installed and properly tested. All new service connections shall have an Reduced Pressure Zone Prevention Assembly installed and tested within 30 days of the completion of the service connection. Further, any water service that has been interrupted for any reason shall be required to install a Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Prevention Assembly within 30 days of service reinstatement.
B. Any residential property which has been determined to have an actual or potential cross-connection will be required to have an RPZ backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
C. Any non-residential property which has been determined to have an actual or potential cross-connection will be required to have an RPZ backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
D. The property owner or renter shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, and testing of all backflow prevention assemblies located on their property. When the tenants change, or if the plumbing is altered or increased in any way, it is the responsibility of the property owner to notify Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
Rincon Water Supply requires the member/customer to have the backflow prevention assembly tested at least annually.
Payment for testing a backflow prevention assembly may take one of two routes:
A. The customer’s water system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the Corporation to determine the existence of cross-connections or potential cross-connections, or if there are existing or potential sanitary or structural hazards, including violations of these regulations. When such conditions become known, the Corporation shall deny or immediately discontinue water service to the premises until the customer has corrected the condition(s) in conformance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
B. Water service may be denied, disconnected, and/or discontinued by the Corporation, under its Standard Disconnection Procedures, if one or more of the following conditions occurs:
1. Failure of the member/customer (property owner or renter) to have the assembly or assemblies tested/inspected within the appropriate time period.
2. Failure of the customer to install the Backflow Prevention Assembly, or Assemblies, as directed by the Corporation’s Program Administrator.
3. Denial by the Member/Customer (Property Owner or Renter), to the Corporation’s Program Administrator or designated employee of Rincon Water Supply Corporation, to access the buildings and premises in which actual or potential cross-connections may exist.
4. Failure of the customer to allow an inspection of his/her property as regarding a Customer Service Inspection or cross-connection inspection or the failure of a customer to respond to a cross-connection survey or other questions relating to the actual or potential cross-connections on the property that is under the control of the customer.
5. Potential or actual situations whereas the Corporation’s water supply system is under the threat of a backflow incident and whereas the General Manager (Program Administrator) shall have the authority to immediately disconnect the water service of the property posing the backflow threat.
C. Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall submit prior notification to the customer before the disconnection of water service is initiated, unless the hazard is such that the Corporation’s water system is placed in immediate jeopardy and in this case the water service will be terminated without delay and without notice.
A. A licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester shall make application with the Rincon WSC office for registration as a Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester to conduct Backflow Prevention Assembly testing within the Corporation boundaries by, completing the appropriate form(s) and paying the registration fee as required. Registration shall remain in force for a period of time of one year or until revoked by the Rincon WSC, acting through the Program Administrator (General Manager). Registration may be revoked by the Corporation at any time due to just cause pursuant to this section. The revocation will remain in effect until the cause for revoking the registration has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Program Administrator.
B. Each applicant to be registered as a qualified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester shall furnish evidence to show that he/she has available the necessary tools and equipment to properly test and certify such assemblies. The serial number for each test kit shall be on record with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. Annually, each recorded test kit shall be tested for accuracy and calibrated to maintain a plus or minus accuracy factor as indicated in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross Connection Control. A copy of the test results for the recorded test kit shall be forwarded to the Program Administrator and be placed on file for the registered tester.
The Tester shall be responsible for performing competent and accurate tests and certifications of backflow prevention assemblies and devices and shall submit completed test reports to the Program Administrator as required.
C. Registration by backflow prevention assembly testers must include all test gauges to be used by said tester. Registered serial numbers from test gauges shall be listed on tests and maintenance reports that are to be submitted to the Program Administrator. Failure to register the test gauge serial numbers annually or failure to annually calibrate gauges shall be grounds for revocation of a Tester’s registration. Testers shall not change the design or the operational characteristics of a test assembly.
D. Rincon Water Supply Corporation assumes no responsibility for these Testers and shall not be liable for any actions of any Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. Additionally, any business transactions between the property owner/renter and the Tester is solely the responsibility of these parties.
The Installation Standards and Specifications for the following types of Backflow Prevention Assemblies are contained in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089.
A. The Program Administrator and other Employees of Rincon Water Supply Corporation are hereby authorized by the Board of Directors of Rincon Water Supply Corporation to enforce the provisions of this “Cross-Connection Control Program,” as adopted under Resolution RES-0808-11.
B. The Program Administrator, Inspectors and other Employees of the Corporation charged with the enforcement of this Cross-Connection Control Program shall be deemed to be performing a function of Rincon Water Supply Corporation for the benefit of the general public and the member/customers of the Corporation, in accordance with State Laws and Regulations, and neither the Corporation, the Board of Directors, the Program Administrator (General Manager), nor the other Employees of Rincon Water Supply Corporation, while engaged in inspection or enforcement activities under this program and when acting in good faith and without malice, shall ever be held liable for any loss or damage, whether real or asserted, caused or alleged to be caused, as a result of the performance of such function.
Rincon Water Supply Corporation is required by TCEQ to maintain signed original records of all Customer Service Inspections and Backflow Prevention Device testing for a minimum of 3 years. Therefore, Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall keep the original signed record on file and additionally electronically scan the record and attach it to the member/customer's account file held within the secure domain of the billing software.
___________________________________ ______ ________________________
Bryan Vogt, Board President Troy Floerke, Secretary-Treasurer
SECTION 1. PROGRAM PURPOSE .................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR......................................................................................... 4
SECTION 3 PLUMBING CODE ............................................................................................................ 4
SECTION 4 MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS.............................................................................................. 4
SECTION 5. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 6. SERVICE AGREEMENT................................................................................................... 8
SECTION 7. CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED....................................................... 8
SECTION 12. DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE................................................................... 22
SECTION 13. QUALIFICATIONS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTOR AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TESTER.................................................................................................. 23
SECTION 15. INSTALLATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 24
SECTION 17. RECORD KEEPING...................................................................................................... 25
Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Chapter 290, prohibits PWSs from connecting to an actual or potential contamination hazard without first protecting the potable-water supply. The TCEQ rules require PWSs to:
- adopt a plumbing ordinance, regulations, or service agreements
- require customer-service inspections
- require backflow protection using appropriate backflow prevention assemblies
- require those assemblies to be tested to ensure that they are working correctly
Due to the fact that the effects of a backflow event can be so severe, there is no grandfather clauses that apply to cross-connection control and/or backflow prevention.
A backflow incident meets the definition and intent of an accident that has a negative impact on the quality and delivery of potable water. Additionally, according to 30TAC290.46(w)(5) a backflow event must be reported to the TCEQ. The TCEQ operates a 24 hour toll-free telephone number for reporting such events (888-777-3186).
The purpose of the Cross-Connection Control Program is to protect the health and safety of the member/customers of RINCON WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, to fulfill the legal requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and comply with the Rules and Regulations for State of Texas Public Water Systems. No Cross-Connection shall be created, installed, used or maintained within the service of the Rincon Water Supply Corporation except in accordance with this program.
A. The General Manager of Rincon Water Supply Corporation is the designated Program Administrator for the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program. As Program Administrator, the General Manager will be experienced and qualified in Cross-Connection Control and have the license as a Customer Service Inspector and Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BPAT).
B. The General Manager has the authority to conduct or to have conducted the various required inspections, to specify the Cross-Connection Control Assembly/Device that is required based on the completed inspection(s) or survey(s), to specify the type of Assembly/Device, to develop certain tests and/or procedures for the qualifying of Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device Testers, to establish recordkeeping processes related to the administration of the program, and to supervise and implement the program for the maximum benefit to the Corporation’s water supply system and the member/customers that are served by this system.
As a condition of water service, all members/customers shall install, maintain, and operate their piping and plumbing systems in accordance with the International Plumbing Code as approved by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
Any premises requiring multiple service connections for adequacy of supply, fire protection, or other purposes will be required to install a Reduced Pressure Zone backflow prevention assembly on each service connection.
For the purpose of this Cross-Connection Control Program, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. If a word or term used in this Program is not contained in the following list, its definition or other technical terms used shall have the meanings or definitions listed in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California (USC).
A. APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: An assembly to counteract backpressures or prevent back siphonage. This assembly must appear on the list of approved assemblies issued by the Corporation.
B. AUXILIARY SUPPLY: any water source or system other than the public water supply that may be available in the building or on the premises.
C. BACKFLOW: the flow in the direction opposite to the normal flow or the introduction of any foreign liquids, gases, or substances into the Corporation’s water supply system.
D. CONTAMINATION: the entry into or presence in a public water supply system of any substance which may be deleterious to health and/or the quality of the water.
E. CORPORATION: Rincon Water Supply Corporation (“Corporation,” Rincon WSC,” or “RWSC”), the RWSC Board of Directors or the RWSC Program Administrator/General Manager or other Corporation Employees, as the context dictates.
F. CROSS-CONNECTION: any physical arrangement where the public water system is connected, either directly or indirectly (actual or potential), with any other non-potable water system, used water system or auxiliary supply, sewer, conduit, swimming pool, storage reservoir, landscape irrigation system, swamp coolers, air conditioner units, fire protection system, or any other appurtenance or system which contains, or may potentially contain contaminated water, sewage, or other liquid or solid or gas, or water of unsafe or questionable quality which may be capable of contaminating or polluting the Corporation’s water system. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over assemblies, or other temporary or permanent appurtenances and/or assemblies through which, or because of which, backflow may occur, are considered to be cross-connections.
G. DEGREE OF HAZARD: all actual or potential cross-connections will be classified as a “Low Hazard” (non-health hazard) or “High Hazard “(health hazard).
- “Low Hazard” means that the substance which could potentially backflow into the system may be objectionable, but not hazardous to one’s health.
- “High Hazard” means that the substance which could potentially backflow into the water system may cause illness or death (also “High Health Hazard”)
I. DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY: an assembly similar to the DC assembly, to be utilized on Fire-Sprinkler Systems, with a meter to detect any flow through the Fire Line and into the System. Only Double Detector Check Valve assemblies approved by the Corporation are allowed for installation.
J. HEALTH HAZARD: an actual or potential threat of contamination of a physical or toxic nature to the Corporation’s public water supply system, or the consumer’s potable water, system that would be a danger to health.
K. INSPECTOR: a Cross-Connection Control Inspector (Customer Service Inspector) licensed by the State of Texas (TCEQ or TSBPE) and qualified to inspect for cross-connection hazards or contamination-type hazards and is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
L. PLUMBING HAZARD: an internal or plumbing-type cross-connection in a consumer’s potable water system that may be either a pollution hazard or a contamination-type hazard.
M. PLUMBING CODE: Universal plumbing code as adopted by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
N. POLLUTION HAZARD: an actual or potential threat to the physical properties of the water system or the potability of the public or consumer’s water system, but which would not constitute a health or safety hazard, as defined. The maximum degree of intensity of pollution to which the potable water system could be degraded under this definition would cause a nuisance or be aesthetically objectionable or could cause minor damage to the system or its appurtenances.
O. POTABLE WATER: Water that is safe for human consumption as defined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
P. PREMISES: any piece of land to which water is provided including all improvements, mobile structures, dwellings, and structures located on this land.
Q. REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY: an approved assembly containing two independently acting check valves together with a hydraulically-operated and mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and below the first check valve. The assembly shall include factory-installed test cocks and two shut-off valves for isolation and testing of the check valve. Only those RP assemblies approved by the Corporation are allowed for installation within Corporation boundaries.
R. SYSTEM: the Public Water Supply System of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
S. SYSTEM HAZARD: an actual or potential threat to the safety and welfare of the Public Water Supply System of the Corporation, via the actual or potential entry of a contaminant or a pollutant through a cross-connection.
T. TESTER: a person that is a licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (licensed by the TCEQ), has met the qualifications of the State of Texas (TCEQ) for testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies, and is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
U. TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ): the State of Texas Agency that handles environmental matters within the State, including the promulgation of “Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems,” enforcement of the EPA’s “Safe Drinking Water Act” (SDWA) at the state level, and the licensing of Customer Service Inspectors, Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers, and Water System Operators.
V. VACUUM BREAKER, ATMOSPHERIC (AVB): AVBs protect against back siphonage and should not be used if there is a threat of backpressure backflow.
W. VACUUM BREAKER, PRESSURE (PVB): PVBs are for back siphonage only and should not be installed where there is a possibility of backpressure.
1. “Residential use” shall include single family residences, duplexes, multiplex housing and apartments where the individual units are each on a separate meter or where two or more units served by one meter are all used for residential purposes.
2. “Non-residential use” shall include all uses not specifically included in “Residential use” listed above in sub-section 3.X.1.
3. Permanent water service shall be supplied to any connection within the boundaries of Rincon Water Supply Corporation following the completion or compliance with all of the requirements of this policy and the policies of the corporate Tariff of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
4. Temporary water service shall be water service provided before the completion of or compliance with the requirements of this policy or the corporate Tariff of Rincon Water Supply Corporation and is granted for a maximum of 180 days from the start of service.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Rules and Regulations require every Public Water Supply to adopt a Plumbing Ordinance, Plumbing Regulations, or a Service Agreement. Rincon Water Supply Corporation, being a non-governmental entity, chose to adopt the Service Agreement.
The Service Agreement is a document that gives the PWS authority to implement a Cross-connection Control Program and enforce said program. It is important to note that the adopted Service Agreement and the Cross-connection Control Program may be more stringent than the TCEQ Rules and Regulations, however, they may not be less stringent. Further, the Service Agreement and the Cross-connection Control Program can allow for a more rigorous testing of backflow preventers and a more rigorous program for the prevention of backflow. While the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations address the hazards posed to the Public Water Supply, the PWS may adopt specific requirements in the Service Agreement and/or the Cross-connection Control Program. The Service Agreement strengthens the enforcement of these regulations.
The Customer Service Agreement is an agreement between the PWS and the Member/Customer. The Service Agreement additionally gives the PWS the authority to enforce the requirements of the Cross-connection Control Program, the rules and regulations of the Corporation, and the rules and regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
A copy of the Service Agreement can be found in Appendix B.
Customer Service Inspections are the most important part of a successful cross-connection control program.
The Customer Service Inspector (CSI) must be specially trained to inspect private water distribution facilities to determine the presence of cross-connections, potential contamination hazards, and illegal materials containing lead and copper. However, the CSI is not permitted to perform plumbing inspections. To conduct a Customer Service Inspection the Inspector must be licensed as a CSI by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, a Plumbing Inspector, or a licensed plumber with a "Water Supply Protection Specialist" endorsement.
Inspections regarding the location of actual or potential cross-connections and the status of the plumbing fixtures and related lead content of the solder on copper water lines shall be conducted by those qualified as Customer Service Inspectors (having the CSI License or WSPS endorsement on the holder's plumbing license).
In some cases the Inspector may need to use more than one CSI certificate to adequately document the inspection of a facility or property. The results of the CSI is intended to identify any existing cross-connections or hazards that may pose a threat to the water distribution system.
A copy of the Customer Service Inspection Certificate is found in Appendix D.
At a minimum a CSI is required under the following conditions:
A. NEW CONSTRUCTION: shall inspect for cross-connections after the finalization of the construction activities and prior to the granting of permanent water service. All pressure relief valves and thermal expansion devices must be in compliance with the plumbing code. Inspectors shall also ensure that the requirements of the State Lead Ban, as outlined in the State’s Rules and Regulations for Public Water Supply Systems, are followed:
“The use of pipe and pipe fittings that contain more than 0.25 percent lead or solder and flux that contains more than 0.2 percent lead is prohibited in the following circumstances: (a) For installation and repair of any public water supply, and (b) For installation or repair of any plumbing in a residential or non-residential facility providing water for human consumption and connected to a public drinking water system. This requirement will be waived for lead joints that are necessary for repairs to cast iron pipes”.
B. SALE OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP: See section 4.03(b) of the Rincon Water Supply Corporation Tariff. A new CSI is to be preformed upon the sale or transfer of ownership of property.
A. BUILDER/PLUMBER RESPONSIBILITIES: (a) Builders/Plumbers cannot install pipe or pipe fittings that contain more than 0.25 percent lead; (b) cannot utilize solder and flux that contains more than 0.2 percent lead; (c) must review the Material Safely Data Sheets (MSDS) for all pipes and products to ensure that this standard is met, and these Material Safety Data Sheets shall be available for the Inspector’s examination; and, (d) Builders/Plumbers must ensure that the pipe is properly labeled for installation into a Potable Water Supply System. The correct pipe label is PW-NSF (Potable Water-National Sanitation Foundation).
B. INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Within the legal requirements of the Customer Service Inspection, (a) Customer Service Inspectors are responsible for inspecting pipes, fittings, fixtures, and solder boxes; and (b) they should take a sample(s) to verify compliance with the Lead Ban Standard. This Inspection (CSI) is not a Plumbing Inspection.
C. PROCEDURES REGARDING CUSTOMER SERVICE INSPECTION: The Customer Service Inspection shall be completed no later than thirty (30) days following any of the conditions listed in Section 5 and before permanent service may be granted. Inspections shall be completed by qualified inspectors. After the inspection has been completed, the person or entity shall have up to fifteen (15) days, to correct deficiencies depending upon the severity of the deficiency, install new cross-connection control devices or assemblies as allowed by the Program Administrator, make repairs to existing assemblies or devices, or repairs to the plumbing system. The person or entity will receive a CSI Form from the inspector that outlines the deficiency or deficiencies that require correction, the cross-connection control assemblies/devices that must be installed, inspected or repaired, and the date of the second inspection to ensure that these items have been completed as required by the Corporation.
Water service will be considered as “temporary service” until such time that the Customer Service Inspection is satisfactory, or for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days, at which time the water service will be disconnected until a satisfactory inspection is obtained.
D. RE-INSPECTION: If the first Customer Service Inspection is not satisfactory, then a second or additional Inspection [Re-Inspection(s)] will be necessary, until such time that the Inspection indicates full compliance with the Corporation’s “Cross-Connection Control Program” and all applicable State Laws.
E. DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICES: If the Customer fails to allow a Customer Service Inspection within thirty (30) days of requesting permanent service, or if the Customer fails to obtain a Re-Inspection if required, then the specific water service may be disconnected or at the option of Rincon Water Supply Corporation the appropriate backflow prevention device may be installed at the member/customer’s expense, as per the Rincon WSC Tariff, by Rincon WSC after giving notice of intended disconnection or installation of a backflow prevention device.
In addition to the inspections outlined in the previous sections, the Corporation may require other inspections and surveys associated with the prevention and elimination of cross-connections, consistent with the Corporation’s protection of its water supply system. Disconnection of water service, after proper notice, may be initiated if the Customer, Person, or Entity fails to conform to the Regulations of the Corporation or the Laws of the State of Texas, as pertaining to Cross-Connection Control.
The completed original Customer Service Inspection Certificate must be returned to Rincon Water Supply Corporation within 10 business days of completion of the inspection. The member/customer shall retain a copy of the completed certificate and the inspector shall retain a copy of the completed certificate for a minimum of three years from the date of successful inspection.
Rincon Water Supply Corporation requires the member/customer to arrange for the Customer Service Inspection. As such the payment for said inspection is between the inspector and the member/customer. The inspection fee shall be paid directly to the inspector.
In conjunction with the Rincon WSC Cross-Connection Control Program and corporate tariff, authorized Employees of the Corporation shall have access during reasonable hours to all parts of a premise and within the building or buildings to which water is supplied. If any water user refuses access to premises or to the interior of a structure at a reasonable time and after reasonable notice for inspection by a licensed inspector, a reduced pressure principle (RPZ) assembly may be required to be installed at the service connection to that premises. The member/customer will bear the full cost of purchase and installation.
An effective cross-connection control program must include appropriate means to prevent backflow. This is typically accomplished via the use of backflow prevention assemblies. The use of a backflow prevention assembly essentially limits the quantity of water exposed to a hazard or contamination.
The Program Administrator of Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall determine the type of Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device to be installed. This determination will be based on the type and degree of hazard. The Program Administrator will use as a guide the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations 30TAC290D appendix I, the Manual on Cross-Connection Control, or the Cross Connection Control program of Rincon Water Supply Corporation whichever is more stringent, as a guide for the determination of the degree of hazard.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Commission rules and regulations make a distinction between health and non-health hazards. A health hazard most often involves a contaminate of some type. A health hazard is a substance that may cause death, illness, or disease. A non-health hazard is a nuisance, or may be a substance that is aesthetically objectionable when introduced in the water.
The strongest protection from backflow is always the Air Gap method. However, when using the air gap the water on the customer side is often times exposed to the atmosphere and possible contamination. Additionally, water distribution system pressure is lost and as a result a pump and pressure tank must be utilized to provide pressure on the customer side. The next best backflow prevention is the reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly, commonly known as RP, RPZ, or RPBA. This device works under all conditions of backflow. Additionally, it creates an air gap between the customer's water distribution system and the PWS water distribution system under conditions of backflow. Therefore, Rincon Water Supply Corporation requires the use of the Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly at all service connections.
The minimum circumstances that initiate the determination of a required Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device are listed in the following:
A. If the facility contains or may contain the “Typical Hazards” outlined in the Appendix of this Cross-Connection Control Program.
B. The nature and extent of any activity on the premises, or the materials used in connection with any activity on the premises, or materials stored on the premises that could contaminate or pollute the drinking water supply.
C. Premises having cross-connections or potential cross-connections as described in the DEFINITIONS Section of this Program.
D. Internal cross-connections that are not correctable, or intricate plumbing system arrangements which make it impractical to ascertain the existence of cross-connections or potential cross-connections.
E. There is a repeated history of cross-connections being established or re-established on the premises.
F. There is unduly restricted entry so that inspections for cross-connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or with sufficient notice to assure that cross-connections or potential cross-connections do not exist.
G. Materials of a toxic or hazardous nature are being used such that if a backflow incident should occur, a health hazard could result.
H. There is a Fire Sprinkler System existing on the premises or a newly installed Fire Sprinkler System.
I. An appropriate cross-connection control survey has not been filed with the Corporation or an inspection for cross-connection has been denied by the customer or potential customer.
J. All new construction or new service connections shall be equipped with an approved backflow prevention assembly/device at the service connection. Additionally, with the sale or transfer of ownership of property and the associated water service account the property owner shall have an approved backflow prevention device installed in accordance with these standards.
K. When a building is constructed for non-residential purposes, and the end-use of such building is not established or determined or if the end-use could change, a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed by the customer at the service connection to provide protection of the water supply in the event of the most hazardous use of the building.
L. Any used water return system that has been approved by the General Manager.
M. In the event a point-of-use assembly has not had required testing and/or repairs, has continuously failed the required testing, or the situation or hazard is such that a point- of-use assembly may not provide sufficient reliability, a premise isolation assembly shall be installed at the service connection by the owner or renter of the property.
N. Additions and/or rearrangements have been made to the plumbing system without notification to the Corporation or without the appropriate inspections.
O. All multi-story buildings greater than three (3) stories in height or any building with a booster pump or elevated storage tank.
P. Hose bibs that are not protected by an approved back siphonage backflow preventer permanently mounted on the discharge side of the valve.
Q. In addition to the above requirements, and based on the experience and judgment of the Program Administrator (General Manager), installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly may be deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of these Cross-Connection Control Program requirements and regulations.
R. Lawn sprinkler or landscape irrigation system.
S. If the account has a history of cross-connections or continued leaks.
T. Service reconnection due to non-pay disconnect.
Check valves in and of themselves are not considered backflow prevention assemblies. Check valves cannot be tested in accordance with the standards set out by the University of Southern California. Additionally, the valve seats often times become degraded or fouled thus allowing contaminants to backflow through them.
The Assembly/Device shall be installed at the service connection of the customer on the customer’s side of the meter within 18 inches of the water meter with no connections between the Assembly/Device and the water meter, as designated by the Program Administrator.
All hose bibs (interior or exterior) shall be protected by an approved hose bib vacuum breaker permanently mounted on the discharge side of the valve (set screws must be broken to prevent removal of device).
All new and existing facilities which are required to have backflow prevention assemblies, but where water is unable to be shut-off for testing purposes, shall be equipped with dual backflow prevention assemblies of the same type, model, brand, and size so that required testing may be accomplished without disruption of water supply.
To ensure proper operation, inspection, testing, repair, and maintenance of these assemblies and devices, the installation requirements for these assemblies and devices is outlined in the following:
A. The installation shall be accomplished by a plumber that is licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners as a Master Plumber or one who is employed by a plumber employed by a Master Plumber. Under certain circumstances the installation may be accomplished by the home owner. The property owner or renter shall be responsible for the installation and testing of the assembly and all related costs of the appropriate and approved Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device. The installation of the assembly/device shall be accomplished by an individual or company qualified to make such installations within the boundaries of Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
B. No part of a backflow prevention assembly/device shall be submerged in water or installed in a location that is subject to flooding. If a double check valve assembly is installed in a vault, with the written approval of the Program Administrator, brass plugs are required in the test ports at all times except during the testing process, and adequate drainage shall be provided.
C. Installation of assemblies and devices shall be made at the following locations:
1. Backflow Prevention Assemblies utilized for premise (service) isolation shall be installed on the water service line on the customer’s side of the meter as near as practical to this meter, however, in no case more than 18" from the water meter, and prior to any branches in the water service line located on the customer’s premises.
2. Point-of-use (internal) Backflow Prevention Assemblies, when approved by the Program Administrator, shall be installed close to the system or appurtenance with the cross-connection potential.
D. The assembly must be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions. However, the drain port and test cocks on the assembly shall not be obstructed in any way.
E. If written permission is granted by the Program Administrator to install the Backflow Prevention Assembly inside of the building, the assembly shall be readily accessible during standard office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
F. If an assembly, with written permission, is installed inside the building and is 4” or larger and is installed 5’ above the floor, it must be equipped with a rigid and permanently installed scaffolding meeting the requirements of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Codes of the State of Texas.
G. All vertical installations must be approved in writing by the Program Administrator prior to installation.
H. The assembly/device shall be readily accessible with adequate room for maintenance and testing. Assemblies 2” and smaller shall have at least 6” clearance on all sides of the assembly. All assemblies larger than 2” shall have a minimum clearance of 12” on the back side, 24” on the test cock side, 12” below the assembly, and 36” above the assembly. “Y” pattern double check valve assemblies shall be installed so that the check valves are horizontal and the test cocks face upward (see MANUAL OF CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL).
I. Reduced Pressure Principle (RP) assemblies are designed for above-ground installation, and may be installed in a vault only if specific approval is granted by the Program Administrator. If approval is granted, it will be under the following circumstances:
1. Relief valve discharge must be drained to daylight through a “bore sight” type drain. The drain shall be of adequate capacity to carry the full rated flow of assembly and shall be screened on both ends.
2. No standing water will be allowed in the vault. If the drain malfunctions, then the RP assembly must be installed above the ground elevation per the INSTALLATION STANDARDS (USC – “Manual of Cross-Connection Control”).
J. An approved air gap shall be located at the relief valve orifice of RP assemblies. This air gap shall be at least twice the inside diameter of the incoming supply line as measured vertically above the top rim of the drain and in no case less than 1”.
K. Upon completion of the installation, the Corporation shall be notified and all assemblies must be inspected and tested. All backflow prevention assemblies/devices must be registered with the Corporation. Registration shall consist of: date of installation, make and model, serial number of the assembly/device, and initial test report.
L. All backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be of a type and model approved by the Corporation.
The member/customer is responsible for the purchase and installation of the backflow prevention device. Regardless of who purchased or where the device was purchased, it must be tested upon installation. The backflow prevention assembly/device may be purchased at any location or outlet the member/customer chooses. However, the device must meet the standards set forth in the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations, the requirements set forth in this document, and the requirements of the EPA where applicable.
The person or entity that owns or rents the property on which the Backflow Prevention Assembly/Device, or Assemblies/Devices, must be installed shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, repair, inspection, testing, and maintenance of the assembly/Device(s). If the Assembly/Device is installed by a third party, such as a licensed plumber, the payment shall be made directly to the third party and Rincon shall have no involvement.
A. No water service connections to any premises or buildings shall be installed or maintained unless the potable water and water supply are protected at all times against actual or potential contamination or pollution in the manner required by this Cross- Connection Control Program.
B. In the event of an incident or situation occurring on the premises of the water customer or under the control of the water customer that poses a threat to or endangers the public water supply system, the water customer shall immediately notify the Corporation’s Program Administrator and take steps to contain or mitigate the threat or danger to the water system of the Corporation.
A containment program is also known as a "premises isolation program". This type of program has a backflow prevention device located at the main water connection (the meter) for the facility. This type of program protects the water utility, but does not protect the population working or residing within the facility. Protection from internal cross-connections to health hazards is extremely important as they can be found in many facilities where there may be a large number of people working or residing.
In situations where containment backflow prevention is used, the customer must be aware of the hazard associated with thermal expansion. The backflow prevention device creates a "closed loop system". Therefore, it is important that the customer verify the operation of the T&P valve on their water heater.
In cases where having the water turned off for inspections is not possible or practical two backflow prevention devices must be installed in parallel. In this instance the two devices must be the same make, model, and size.
An internal cross-connection control program is one that is located within a facility where an actual or potential contamination hazards may exist or may be connected to the internal potable water system. This type of program is strictly internal and should not be confused with the cross-connection control program that is administered by Rincon Water Supply Corporation. The internal hazards and cross-connections should be identified during the Customer Service Inspection. The internal cross-connection control program should consist of backflow prevention at specific locations within a facility where hazards may be located. The internal cross-connection control program is very important since it is not only Rincon Water Supply that is being protected but also the people within the facility. The challenge is the need to install and test more than one backflow prevention device or assembly.
The adequacy of an internal cross-connection control program is dependent on periodic Customer Service Inspections. Periodic Customer Service Inspections will help to identify any cross-connections that have been installed since the last visit and will help ensure existing cross-connections are still in place and tested.
Therefore, it is the policy of Rincon Water Supply Corporation to require a customer service inspection to be completed at least annually in facilities utilizing internal cross-connection control.
All existing backflow prevention assemblies/devices that do not meet the requirements of this Program, but were approved assemblies/devices at the time of installation, shall not be required to be upgraded to a currently approved model unless an inspection should reveal a malfunction that cannot be corrected, or if the assembly/device should malfunction prior to an inspection and the assembly/device cannot be properly repaired. All existing backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be required to undergo the appropriate test and inspection as outlined in this program.
Assemblies used for protection of the potable water supply, whether installed at the meter or part of an internal program, must be tested upon installation and at least once per year thereafter by a licensed backflow prevention assembly tester and the records must be retained by Rincon Water Supply Corporation for at least three years.
Like all mechanical devices, backflow prevention assemblies are subject to failure over time and must be tested to ensure that they are operating properly and are protecting the potable-water supply.
In addition to recording the test results, the Test and Maintenance Report (T&M) form in Appendix C, which a licensed backflow-prevention-assembly tester must fill out and sign, requires that the licensed BPAT certify whether the installation of the assembly complies with manufacturer recommendations and local codes. The BPAT then forwards the signed original to the PWS, which is required to retain it.
Licensed BPATs are qualified to test and repair assemblies on any domestic, commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. There is an additional requirement for BPATs who test and repair assemblies on fire suppression systems or fire lines. BPATs may test an assembly on these systems only if they are permanently employed by an approved fire-line contractor.
The Program Administrator (General Manger) shall cause all Assemblies to be tested and inspected in each of the following circumstances:
A. Backflow prevention assemblies must be tested by a recognized Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester immediately after the Assembly has been installed or if it has been relocated, removed and reinstalled, or repaired. If the Assembly is installed on a fire protection line the inspector must be approved as a fire line tester.
B. All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested at least once per year by a licensed tester that is properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. The original test report shall be sent to the Rincon WSC office for filing in the customer/member account file. The test report shall be completed on the form provided by Rincon WSC, no other forms will be allowed or accepted(see appendix).
C. Depending on the service conditions and potential degree of hazard, assemblies may be required to be tested more frequently if the Program Administrator deems necessary.
D. The owner or renter of the property shall have the responsibility for ensuring that assemblies are tested and inspected per the requirements of this program and the costs for these tests and inspections shall be borne by the property owner or renter.
A. All assembly testing shall be performed by a licensed backflow prevention assembly tester who is a Tester licensed by the State of Texas and properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. This Tester shall submit the original signed report to Rincon Water Supply Corporation after testing and inspection has been successfully completed. The Tester shall keep a copy of this report for his/her records and a report copy shall be submitted to the property owner or tenant.
B. In addition to Annual or other Testing Requirements, all Backflow Prevention Assemblies must be TESTED upon: (1) Installation, (2) Repair, (3) Removal and Reinstallation.
C. The Corporation shall not be liable for any damage to any backflow prevention assembly that occurs during the installation or repair process or during the testing process.
The Corporation shall not be responsible or liable for loss of water service during the process of installation, repair, or testing of any backflow prevention assembly.
D. The methodology to be utilized by the Tester in the testing and inspection of all backflow prevention assemblies/devices shall be as outlined in the following: the latest edition of Manual of Cross-Connection Control, published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California 90089.
A. A person or entity who owns, operates, or manages premises, or resides on such premises, shall maintain and repair the backflow prevention assemblies located on those premises. Maintenance and/or repair of these assemblies shall be accomplished by competent and qualified individuals.
B. A person or entity commits an offense if:
1. He/she fails to properly test, maintain, and/or repair backflow prevention assemblies/devices as required under this Program.
2. Backflow enters the RWSC public water system from premises he/she owns, resides within, operates, or manages.
C. It is the responsibility of the property owner or renter to eliminate the possibility of THERMAL EXPANSION, and if a closed system has been or will be created by the installation of a backflow prevention assembly, a Thermal Expansion Device must be installed by the property owner or renter, the owner/renter shall pay the full cost for such installation.
D. The costs associated with the testing, maintenance, and repair of these assemblies shall be borne by the property owner or renter.
E. Any water pressure drop caused by the installation of a backflow prevention assembly is not the responsibility of the Corporation. Rincon WSC will provide information, if available, concerning pressure in any area(s) of the Corporation, but the Rincon WSC is neither liable nor responsible for application of this information.
A. To provide the greatest possible protection to the water distribution system, all service connections shall have a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) Backflow Prevention Assembly installed and properly tested. All new service connections shall have an Reduced Pressure Zone Prevention Assembly installed and tested within 30 days of the completion of the service connection. Further, any water service that has been interrupted for any reason shall be required to install a Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Prevention Assembly within 30 days of service reinstatement.
B. Any residential property which has been determined to have an actual or potential cross-connection will be required to have an RPZ backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
C. Any non-residential property which has been determined to have an actual or potential cross-connection will be required to have an RPZ backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
D. The property owner or renter shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, and testing of all backflow prevention assemblies located on their property. When the tenants change, or if the plumbing is altered or increased in any way, it is the responsibility of the property owner to notify Rincon Water Supply Corporation.
Rincon Water Supply requires the member/customer to have the backflow prevention assembly tested at least annually.
Payment for testing a backflow prevention assembly may take one of two routes:
- The member/customer hires a private BPAT and pays for the test directly to the BPAT, and then the BPAT submits the test report to Rincon Water Supply Corporation for filing.
- The member/customer may have Rincon Water Supply Corporation arrange for the testing and payment. Then the member/customer will pay Rincon Water Supply Corporation for the testing fee plus a convenience fee.
A. The customer’s water system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the Corporation to determine the existence of cross-connections or potential cross-connections, or if there are existing or potential sanitary or structural hazards, including violations of these regulations. When such conditions become known, the Corporation shall deny or immediately discontinue water service to the premises until the customer has corrected the condition(s) in conformance with the Corporation’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
B. Water service may be denied, disconnected, and/or discontinued by the Corporation, under its Standard Disconnection Procedures, if one or more of the following conditions occurs:
1. Failure of the member/customer (property owner or renter) to have the assembly or assemblies tested/inspected within the appropriate time period.
2. Failure of the customer to install the Backflow Prevention Assembly, or Assemblies, as directed by the Corporation’s Program Administrator.
3. Denial by the Member/Customer (Property Owner or Renter), to the Corporation’s Program Administrator or designated employee of Rincon Water Supply Corporation, to access the buildings and premises in which actual or potential cross-connections may exist.
4. Failure of the customer to allow an inspection of his/her property as regarding a Customer Service Inspection or cross-connection inspection or the failure of a customer to respond to a cross-connection survey or other questions relating to the actual or potential cross-connections on the property that is under the control of the customer.
5. Potential or actual situations whereas the Corporation’s water supply system is under the threat of a backflow incident and whereas the General Manager (Program Administrator) shall have the authority to immediately disconnect the water service of the property posing the backflow threat.
C. Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall submit prior notification to the customer before the disconnection of water service is initiated, unless the hazard is such that the Corporation’s water system is placed in immediate jeopardy and in this case the water service will be terminated without delay and without notice.
- The Testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies must be obtained via outside sources that are licensed by the State of Texas and properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. Inspector(s) not registered with the Rincon WSC are not considered qualified. A Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BPAT) is considered qualified to test Backflow Prevention Assemblies within the Corporation’s service area in the following manner:
- Obtainment of BPAT License from the State of Texas
- Proper registration with Rincon Water Supply Corporation as a Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester
- Fulfillment of the responsibilities and requirements of Section 21 (as follows).
- Customer Service Inspections shall be conducted by individuals holding a current Customer Service Inspector (CSI) license as issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Supply Protection Specialist endorsement on a current plumbing license, or licensed plumbing inspector. Further, the inspector shall be properly registered with Rincon Water Supply Corporation as a licensed inspector.
A. A licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester shall make application with the Rincon WSC office for registration as a Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester to conduct Backflow Prevention Assembly testing within the Corporation boundaries by, completing the appropriate form(s) and paying the registration fee as required. Registration shall remain in force for a period of time of one year or until revoked by the Rincon WSC, acting through the Program Administrator (General Manager). Registration may be revoked by the Corporation at any time due to just cause pursuant to this section. The revocation will remain in effect until the cause for revoking the registration has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Program Administrator.
B. Each applicant to be registered as a qualified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester shall furnish evidence to show that he/she has available the necessary tools and equipment to properly test and certify such assemblies. The serial number for each test kit shall be on record with Rincon Water Supply Corporation. Annually, each recorded test kit shall be tested for accuracy and calibrated to maintain a plus or minus accuracy factor as indicated in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross Connection Control. A copy of the test results for the recorded test kit shall be forwarded to the Program Administrator and be placed on file for the registered tester.
The Tester shall be responsible for performing competent and accurate tests and certifications of backflow prevention assemblies and devices and shall submit completed test reports to the Program Administrator as required.
C. Registration by backflow prevention assembly testers must include all test gauges to be used by said tester. Registered serial numbers from test gauges shall be listed on tests and maintenance reports that are to be submitted to the Program Administrator. Failure to register the test gauge serial numbers annually or failure to annually calibrate gauges shall be grounds for revocation of a Tester’s registration. Testers shall not change the design or the operational characteristics of a test assembly.
D. Rincon Water Supply Corporation assumes no responsibility for these Testers and shall not be liable for any actions of any Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. Additionally, any business transactions between the property owner/renter and the Tester is solely the responsibility of these parties.
The Installation Standards and Specifications for the following types of Backflow Prevention Assemblies are contained in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, published by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089.
- Double Check Valve (DCV)
- Double Detector Check Valve (DDC)
- Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB)
- Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB)
- Hose Bibb Vacuum Breaker (HBVB)
- Reduced Pressure Principal (RP)
- Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Check (RPDC)
A. The Program Administrator and other Employees of Rincon Water Supply Corporation are hereby authorized by the Board of Directors of Rincon Water Supply Corporation to enforce the provisions of this “Cross-Connection Control Program,” as adopted under Resolution RES-0808-11.
B. The Program Administrator, Inspectors and other Employees of the Corporation charged with the enforcement of this Cross-Connection Control Program shall be deemed to be performing a function of Rincon Water Supply Corporation for the benefit of the general public and the member/customers of the Corporation, in accordance with State Laws and Regulations, and neither the Corporation, the Board of Directors, the Program Administrator (General Manager), nor the other Employees of Rincon Water Supply Corporation, while engaged in inspection or enforcement activities under this program and when acting in good faith and without malice, shall ever be held liable for any loss or damage, whether real or asserted, caused or alleged to be caused, as a result of the performance of such function.
Rincon Water Supply Corporation is required by TCEQ to maintain signed original records of all Customer Service Inspections and Backflow Prevention Device testing for a minimum of 3 years. Therefore, Rincon Water Supply Corporation shall keep the original signed record on file and additionally electronically scan the record and attach it to the member/customer's account file held within the secure domain of the billing software.
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Bryan Vogt, Board President Troy Floerke, Secretary-Treasurer